Monday, October 13, 2014

43: Moon Aura

Plan: I always wanted to capture the aura of moon along with the passing clouds.

Story: I made lot of attempts with the zoom lens earlier. Then came across an article on use of kit lens. And saw a click of the moon with some building. So tried it with the 50F80. Along with the building and focusing well at the top floor could get this click.

42: Surat Fort

Plan : Click the pic of fort from the opposite bank of river. This is more like a document shot.

Story: Usually for clicking he monument we usually use a wide angle lens but since the face of fort which I wanted to capture was towards river. I had to go to the opposite bank. It is about 1km from the opposite bank. Set up the tripod and took few shots. I thought that evening light would be good but it was very soft.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

41: Autum Clouds after sunset

Plan: Saw these beautiful clouds formations after sunset and wanted to create the feel using the PP.

Story: It would have been better if I went to the beach for such sunset. I had to settle for my roof top. Tried the tutorial and got some of the feel here.

40: Butterfly

Plan : Get a butterfly shot with creamy background.

Story: I had earlier got few butterfly shots and this time I got lot many of butterflies around. So thought it was easy. But AF was useless. Tried with manual focus and got this one where the insect is leveled and the BG is really far.

39: Girl at park

Plan: No plan !

Story: (How I spoiled the shot) While roaming in the park I got this group of children who got curious about the camera and wanted me to take their pic. I was not prepared for the moment but then it was setting sun. I tried high ISO 1600 on a kit lens.

I later realized that spoiled the pose as I took the shot in live view at the girl's face level but she was looking at my face.

Tried lot of PP to reduce noise and add contrast with dodge and burn.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

38: Lonely Tree

Plan: Saw a tree at the newly opened river front and captured it. Wanted to show it along with the clouds.

Story : Took few clicks and this one was from a lower angle where I could frame well along with the clouds. During post processing made the look of an older photo by changing the white balance.